Mobile App Security Solutions That Help You Move
From DevOps To DevSecOps Seamlessly
Building safe mobile apps is crucial for all businesses as
more and more customers embrace the IoT era.
Appknox Making a Difference
Total Mobile Security Scans Done
Vulnerabilities & Issues Found
Android apps
iOS apps
On-prem Deployments and Upgrades
DevSecOps Integrations Enabled
Singapore Airlines | Fortune 500
Appknox gives us a quick, step-by-step framework to
resolve vulnerabilities. We've been effectively managing
the security assessment of our entire mobile app
ecosystem regardless of the number of apps we ship; it
takes us as little as 45 minutes.
Tartar W, Senior Security Researcher
Singapore Airlines
Secure Apps Seamlessly With
Appknox's highly skilled security team. We will return to you within 3-5 days with a comprehensive list of vulnerabilities that could pose a danger to your business.
Expect details like:
- Compliance and regulatory issues
- Severity of vulnerabilities
- Business Impact
- Results against 130+ test cases