Subho Halder CISO and Co-Founder of Appknox (Highest rated mobile Security Solution in Gartner and G2Crowd ). Subho will run you through best practices that he has accumulated from years of experience in Enterprise Security.
Subho is well known in the Security industry as a master hacker and creator of AFE (Android framework for Exploitation). He has also detected critical loopholes in businesses like Google,Facebook Microsoft, Skype, and conducted workshops at conferences like BlackHat, Defcon, ToorCon, SysCan, ClubHack, NullCon, OWASP AppSec and RSA Conference.As has been demonstrated in Appknox’s earlier webinar "How to perform manual pentest on mobile apps", mobile apps are an open book to attackers. This makes them and the business they represent a soft target. In this webinar, guest presenter Neal Michie from Verimatrix shows how Obfuscation is the foundational security layer for your apps. Through the webinar you will learn simple, practical steps that can close the book and greatly reduce the risk profile of your app.
AgendaDeep dive into obfuscation techniques
Technical solutions from open source tools to going further
Plan your steps very carefully as this stage is very important.