
A security analysis of the top 50 mobile shopping apps in the US

Did you know that 84% of e-commerce apps have at least three high-rated security issues? Over the years, retail experiences have changed with the rise of online apps, thereby, exposing users to critical security threats. Our report found vulnerabilities in some of the popular mobile shopping apps on the Play Store. Download the full report to find out more about these vulnerabilities and how to protect your personal and business data from potential threats.

With this report, you will:

  • Explore the current landscape of mobile commerce security and the common vulnerabilities affecting top shopping apps.
  • Learn about the specific security flaws in mobile apps and how they can impact both businesses and consumers.
  • Understand the significance of adhering to industry standards such as OWASP and PCI-DSS for better security.
  • Learn how to implement effective security strategies to protect your apps from potential cyber-attacks.

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Secure your retail apps and prioritise the security of consumer data.

Discover critical security findings in popular e-commerce apps, highlighting widespread vulnerabilities. Learn how to safeguard your online retail data with insights from our comprehensive report.

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