

How Caching Sensitive Data Can Lead to a Business' Downfall

Learn the risks of caching sensitive data in mobile apps and discover how hackers can cache sensitive data to rain down trouble for businesses.
  • Posted on: Feb 9, 2018
  • By Subho Halder
  • Read time 1 Min
  • Last updated on: Feb 26, 2025

Smart apps have been built primarily to provide consumers with enthralling functionalities that encourage convenience, ease of use, real-time services, and many other benefits. Developers essentially want to please customers with the motive of making their app successful. This often leads to giving less importance to the application's security and could jeopardize a customer’s personal or private identity.

In this article, we take a look at why a simple functionality like caching sensitive data can cause a world of trouble for businesses if not done right or if done at all.

How can hackers exploit your business by caching sensitive data functionality?

In the past, hackers have often been able to access users' personal information through various application loopholes without their knowledge, destroying businesses in the process.

One such way is if users' sensitive data are cached within the app. Whether financially or competitively motivated, hackers will stop at nothing to see that their objective is in place, especially if functionality is as easy as caching sensitive data to exploit.

How Caching Sensitive Information Can Lead to the Downfall of Your Business

1. Caching web application data may quickly reveal URL histories, HTTP headers, HTML form inputs, cookies, transaction histories, and other web-based data. Although not as easy to access through the web, mobile applications still provide multiple entry channels by storing cached information.

2. Words a user enters via the keyboard are stored in the Android user dictionary for future auto-correction. The user dictionary is available to any app without requiring permission, which could lead to sensitive data being leaked. Other apps could sometimes exploit recorded passwords and usernames from one app.

3. Apps may cache camera images, which remain available after the app has finished. Cached images pose a threat of leaking personal and private information to hackers, which could ruin not only a company’s reputation but also the personal identity of an individual. Other threats that could arise out of this are bullying and blackmailing of an individual.

4. Application screens retained in memory enable transaction histories to be viewed by anyone with access to the device who can directly launch the transaction view activity. Malicious applications are sometimes created and launched by hackers. These apps can read data from retained screens of another application, which sometimes holds payment transaction history, account number, etc.

If you think you are making it convenient for consumers by caching their data (think again!), there is a higher price to pay, which no convenience can compensate for. Convenience can take you only so far. Accountability for consumer privacy and security is a key ingredient in making you successful in the long haul.