
#1 Mobile Application Security Testing Solutions

As part of your SDLC, our automated tools and team of penetration testers will make your mobile application secure. This will liberate your team to focus on other areas of deploying your app.

Mobile Application Security Testing Solutions

SAST, DAST, and API Testing for Mobile Apps

Launch Appknox's holistic vulnerability assessment (VA) with a one-click static scan after uploading your mobile app's binary.

View how hackers interact with your mobile apps in real time with dynamic testing and secure all endpoints with an API scan.

Identify vulnerabilities in less than 60 minutes!

Types of Vulnerability Assessment supported by Appknox - Static Scan, Dynamic Scan, API Scan
Appknox covers 140+ test cases in vulnerability scanning - mobile application security testing
140 +
Test Cases
Appknox supports 8+ DevSecOps Integration in mobile application security testing
0 08 +
DevSecOps Integration
Appknox supports 7+ compliances - mobile app security testing
0 07 +
Supported Compliance
Download the most detailed application security report with CVSS score

Detailed Report with CVSS Score

Receive a comprehensive VA report that discloses the gravity of the issue, its business impact and the regulatory & compliance issues.


Test cases


False Positive

penetration testing by Appknox

Penetration Testing

Leverage Appknox’s security team to run pentests, consolidate vulnerabilities and get a step-by-step walkthrough to remediate.

Get the most reliable pen testers with Appknox with a step-by-step remediation plan
Get the industry's best practices for app threat mitigation with Appknox's thorough remediation call

Remediation Call

Understand the app vulnerability scan reports with our security researchers. Explore the mitigation methods that meet industry best practices and make your applications 100% hack-proof.

Recommended Mobile App Security Testing Software
by The Fortune 500


Firm Size
3B - 10B USD


Firm Size
3B - 10B USD

Government Sector

Company Size
5,000 - 50,000

Our Clients Love Our Work, and Expert Reviews
Testify to That!

Appknox awarded the Gartner Peer Insights Customers Choice Award - 2024
Appknox awarded the G2 Spring 2022 'Momentum Leader' Badge
Appknox awarded the G2 Spring 2022 'Easiest To Do Business With' Badge
Appknox awarded the G2 Spring 2022 'Easiest To Use' Badge


Got any more questions? Just email us at and we’ll take care of it!

Why is Mobile Application Security Testing Necessary?

Mobile application security testing is the process of identifying vulnerabilities in an application and mitigating them before a potentially malicious hacker exploits them.

Here's why you need to conduct it:

  • It anticipates the behavior of an attacker and identifies potential weaknesses or loopholes in the app, thus preventing future attacks.
  • It lets out the security weaknesses before rolling out the app, thus allowing you to change whatever is flawed at an early stage.
  • Third-party app developers are unfamiliar with the enterprise IT environment, security policies, and compliances. Testing the app will ensure meeting all these requisite requirements.
  • To ensure adherence to legal compliances and industry security standards.
Who Should Perform Mobile Application Security Testing?

At a certain level, everyone involved in the development lifecycle is responsible for application security testing:

  • App owners and businesses should understand the security requirements and associated risks.
  • Executive security managers should overview security activities- assign responsibilities, check progress, and overcome hindrances, if any.
  • Developers are responsible for secure coding techniques and should have access to testing tools.
  • App architects should be proficient with mobile app security standards and provide libraries and components to assist developers in achieving more secure applications.
  • The audit team is responsible for performing both static and dynamic tests on the app before the launch.

Additionally, businesses should resort to pen testers and vulnerability assessment solution providers to ensure robust mobile application security testing.

  • Pentesters
    Colloquially known as ethical hackers, pen testers are professionals who predict and mimic the behavior of an actual hacker to identify and mitigate mobile app vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability Assessment Solution Providers
    VA partners seek commonly known vulnerabilities in an application to identify loopholes and provide a remediation strategy.
Mobile Application Security Scanner: How to Protect Your Business

A mobile app security scanner scans components of an application, network, and device to check for security flaws. 

By performing the following procedures, you can protect your business from threats and attacks:

  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
    This is a basic fundamental-level app test performed to check the security of SSL, permissions, code configurations, and other usually exploited vulnerabilities.
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)This test is performed on the functional layer of the app to find weaknesses in encryption, permissions, memory, backend code injections, and performance.
  • API Security Testing (APIT)
    This test is performed to secure all vulnerable endpoints of the app and gives an inside-out analysis of databases, web servers, and other components that communicate with the server. 
  • SDK Testing
    Picture the SDK as the heartbeat of your app - its very lifeline. If it falters, the whole app comes to a standstill. That's why ensuring the SDK and its deployment are carried out with unwavering precision and excellence is crucial.
  • Manual Application Security Testing
    Discover and fortify your app's weak spots before they fall prey to hackers with the unparalleled power of Manual Application Security Testing. Unlike standard testing scanners, this unique tool boosts your defenses with a human touch. To unleash its full potential, specifically request a manual application security testing from vulnerability assessment solutions like Appknox, and elevate your security game directly from the dashboard.

Get Started With Appknox Today
Take Control of Your Mobile App
Security Before It Turns Into a
Business Threat.